Sunday, March 14, 2010

Collage, 4" x 4"

Spring Ahead


  1. Do you mind if I borrow this for my blog? with links and credits of course?

  2. Of course you may borrow for your esteemed blog.

  3. spring is a terrible time. not in the sense of bad, but in the sense of awe-inspiring. terribilita, i think is what the italians called it. this not-painting has some of that giddy and terrifying quality of spring - the world moving on, with or without you or rolling right over you. doesn't it make Botticelli's Primavera seem so manicured and mediated? most of the snow is gone. i smell mud outside. the hose is thawed out so we can compost again.

  4. Terribilita indeed.

    I always have great conflict over the coming of spring. The world moving on, with or without you or rolling right over you . ..
